• You Can Stop Abuses On The Job

    Everyone deserves to go to work, be paid fairly for their labor, and return home to their families with their health and dignity intact. You can make that a reality.

You Can Stop Abuses On The Job

Everyone deserves to go to work, be paid fairly for their labor, and return home to their families with their health and dignity intact. You can make that a reality.


Your tax deductible donation allows workers to assert their rights and secure justice on the job. None of what we do would be possible without your generous donations.


Justice at Work relies on a team of core volunteers for planning and execution of our Annual Celebration in the spring and Dance for Justice in the fall. Come join us!


Justice at Work’s law firm, union, and business sponsors join us in standing in solidarity with workers and grassroots organizations leading the fight for justice on the job. 

Join Our Philanthropic Supporters

Philanthropic Partners

Barr Foundation
The Boston Foundation
The Clowes Fund
Cummings Foundation
Forest Foundation
The Hyams Foundation
The Massachusetts Bar Foundation
Massachusetts Immigration Legal Assistance Fund (MLAC)
Miller Foundation
Peggy Browning Fund
Sailors’ Snug Harbor of Boston
Skadden Foundation

Former Philanthropic Partners

Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Eastern Bank
Foley Hoag
John H. and H. Naomi Tomfohrde Foundation
The Lenny Zakim Fund
The Lyman Foundation
The Philanthropy Foundation
Social Innovation Forum
Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation
Yale Initiative for Public Interest Law

Join Our Annual Sponsors

2023 Sponsors

Pontikes Law

Aaron Halegua, PLLC

De Miranda Law Offices

IUPAT D.C. #35

Kramer Law

Lawson & Weitzen

Local 609 LiUNA

Massa Viana Immigration and Nationality Law

Rodman Law

United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local 1445

Join Workers and Justice at Work
Donate today to help workers and their families win justice on the job.